Access to healthcare

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐希望帮助确保所有人都能获得负担得起的可持续医疗保健的未来. 这对于预防和早期诊断疾病以及为健康的人和健康的社会提供改变生活的治疗至关重要.

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Our approach to Access to healthcare

Science can deliver progress for us all

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐致力于支持社会应对一些最严峻的医疗保健挑战. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与政府合作, academia, international and local organisations, and other stakeholders, and we always put patients first. Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 重点是低收入和中等收入国家, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐公平准入战略的一个例子在起作用吗.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐提供从预防到患者护理全过程的医疗保健解决方案, raising awareness, diagnosis and treatment, to post-treatment support. 

Our focus areas

Equitable access

将实践纳入澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的产品组合,以推动公平获得医疗保健服务——包括数字医疗服务, clinical trial diversity, patient centricity, investment in rare diseases, 开放创新和知识产权共享安排.

Affordability and pricing

推动多样化药品的可及性, equitable and inclusive patient groups, through company policy and programming, 包括核心定价原则和准入计划

Health system resilience

通过宣传加强卫生系统, 建立能力,解决未满足的医疗需求, improve access to quality healthcare, and provide solutions along a care continuum from prevention to post-treatment; commit to disaster relief, grants and donations.

Our ambition by 2025:

Reach 50 million


Train 170,000


Increase collaboration


Our achievements

>44.63 million



healthcare workers trained since 2010*

>12.83 million


*as at end December 2022. Source: Sustainability Report

Our highlights